
いいですよ、ありがとう、調子はどうですか? "How are you?

I'm good, thanks. How are you?" (一般的)



別に(大したことないよ) "How's it going?

I'm pretty good. How about you? (What about you?)

What's up? (What's new?)

Not much." 久しぶり! 最近何やってるの?


(最近はずっと)英語の勉強してるよ。 "It's been a while!
What have you been up to?
(been doing?)

Not much, how about you?(What)

I've been studying English." 元気だった?(最近どうしてた?) How have you been?

How have you been doing?
What have you been doing? 遅い・とても待った(カジュアル)・やっと〜だ・もうそろそろ~してもいい頃だ(もっと前にすべきだったニュアンス)

そろそろ家に帰らないと。 "It's about time + past sentence

It's about time I went home." 遅くなってきたね。そろそろ帰らなきゃ。 "It's getting late. I shoud get going." 〜し始める(〜する状態になる)


ごめん、でも行かなきゃ。 "get -ing
get going

I'm afraid I should get going.

I'm sorry but I have to go." 仕事に行かなきゃ。 I have to go to work. すごく楽しかったよ。
最高の時間を過ごしたよ(私の人生の) It was so much fun.
I had a great time.
I had the time of my life. (長話のとき)
あっ、もう君を行かせないとね。(解放させなきゃ) Oh, I have to let you go. そろそろ行きますか? Shall we go? 君ともっと話したいけど、もう寝なきゃ。
(ずた袋を打つ) "I want to talk to you more, but I have to go to bed.

It's almost my bedtime.
I have to hit the sack." 君と話せて本当に楽しかったよ。 I really enjoyed talking to you.
(enjoy + gerund)

It was really fun talking to you. 会えてよかったです。




こちらこそ。(丁寧) It was nice meeting you.

You too.

Nice meeting you too. I hope to see you again soon.

It was a pleasure to meet you here.

The pleasure is mine.

(hope + infinitive) (楽しかったイベントの後で)


ああ、やるべきだ! "Let's do it again!

Yeah, we should!" またね。


またあとで(またあとで話そう) See you then.

See you later.
Catch you later.

Talk to you later 素敵な1日を!(いい時間を!) Have a good one! (good time) よい週末を! Have a nice weekend! もし何か必要だったら知らせてね。 Let me know if you need anything. いつが都合いいか知らせてね。






後で知らせるよ。 "Let me know when is good for you.

I'm free on Wednesday after next.

Thursday is good for me.

John? How about you? (What)

I'm not sure.

What? When is it?

I'll let you know later." あとでテキストするね。

あとでLINEするね。 "I'll text you later.
I'll Line you later." 先日、


あさって the other day,

two days ago,
(the day before yesterday,)

in two days,
(the day after tomorrow,) まだ仕事中です。 "I'm still working." 今日はどうだった?

今日は仕事があったよ。今日は何してたの? How was your day?

I had work today. What did you do today? (一般的なことで)あっという間に・いつの間にか





僕も。僕の夏休みは終わったよ、あっと言う間に。 before you know it

before I knew it

without knowing

How was your summer vacation?

Nothing, I was just chilling out at home.

Likewise. My vacation was over before I knew it. 今日は涼しくて過ごしやすい。 "It's cool and comfortable today." すごいムシムシするね。

ホントに。 俺暑いのは苦手だわ。 "it's so muggy.

Right. I don't like hot weather." どうやら、天気予報によると晴れそうです。 "Apparently, the weather forecast said it'll be fine." 今週末まで晴れるみたいだよ。(根拠はない) "It'll be fine until this weekend." うわっ、土砂降りだ! "Oh! It's pouring!" 今日は猛烈に暑い。 "It's scorching hot today." 日本の夏はとても嫌いだよ。だってすごく暑くて、すごくジメジメしてるからね。 "I hate Japanese summer so much because it's so hot and so humid." 今日の最高気温は摂氏35度になりそうです。 "Today's high temperature will be thirty-five degrees Celsius." そんなに暑いの?


それじゃ、エアコンをつけよう。 "Are you so hot?

This heat is killing me!

Then, let's turn on the AC." あなたは花粉症ですか? Do you have a pollen allergy?
(hay fever?) また遊ぼう。 "Let's hang out again." 遊びにいかない?

とにかくありがとう。 "Do you want to hang out? (chill out)

I'd love to go, but I can't make it.
Thank you anyway." 今日は雨が降りそうだ。(そのように見える) "It looks like it'll rain today." 明日は何か予定はありますか?

場合によります。 Do you have any plans tomorrow?

It depends. 今どこ?

今そっちに向かってるよ。 "Where are you now?

I'm heading there now." ああ、また会ったね! Hey, we met again! 運動する(幅広い意味)



多分、週に1、2回程度かな。 exercise

work out

How often do you exercise?

Maybe once or twice a week. 一年ぶりだ。 "It's been a year." 〜にしては

4月にしてはまだ肌寒いね。 "for

It's still chilly for April." いつでも遠慮なくテキストしてね。 Feel free to text me anytime. 雨はもう止んだ?(まだ止んでないの?) Has it stopped raining yet? (予期しないことが)発生する

ちょっと用事が出来ちゃって、今夜の飲み会に行けなくなったよ。(都合がつかない) "come up

Something came up, and I can't make it to the get-together tonight." 参加してよ、もし土曜日暇なら。

参加させて!(頭数に入れて) Come join us, if you are free on Saturday.

Count me in! さっき・ちょっと前





今はとりあえずそれでやろう。 "earlier(earlier than now)

just now


right away
immediately (formal)

right now
at the moment

for the moment
Let's just do that for the moment." 考えてみれば・そう言えば


考えてみたら、今週ずっと雨降ってるな。 come to think of it

now that you mention it
now that you say it

Come to think of it, it has been raining all week. (偶然出会って)

今さっき店に行ってきたところだよ。 "Hey, what are you up to?

I've just been to the shop." 見てあの暗い雲。雨が降ってきそうだね。 "Look at those dark clouds. It's going to rain." あなたの家族によろしくお伝え下さい。 Please say hi to your family.

Please say hello to your family.
Please give my regards to your family.
(my best to) 〜から連絡をもらう・~から(電話、手紙、伝言)をもらう



いや、1年前から私たちはお互いに連絡がなくなったよ。 "hear from

lose touch with

Have you heard from Tim recently?

No, we've lost touch with each other for one year." 彼女はパーティーに来るだろうって言ってたよ。 She said she would come to the party. やあ。お元気でしたか?

元気にしてましたよ、ありがとう...すみません、どこでお会いしたんでしたっけ?(どこで私はあなたを知ってる?) "Hi. How have you been?

I've been great, thanks... Sorry, where do I know you from?" あなたはLINEできる?連絡先を交換しよう。 "Do you have Line? Let's exchange contacts." 連絡を取り合う(継続して)


私は彼女と連絡がつかなかった(捕まえることができなかった) "keep in touch
Let's keep in touch.

be in touch with
get in touch with
get in contact with
I'll be in touch.
I'll get in touch.

get hold of one
I couldn't get hold of her." どこで待ち合わせしようか?



じゃあ... 東口で。 Where should we meet?

How about Shinjuku station?

OK, where in Shinjuku station?

Then... At the east exit. いつがいいですか?

いつが都合いいですか? When is good for you.

When will be convenient for you?
(would be) 今日は大変な一日だった(長い一日だった) "It's been a long day. " この暑さに耐えられないよ。(寒さに) "I can't stand this heat. (cold)" 新宿駅で午後7時に待ち合わせしよう。 "Let's meet up at Shinjuku station at 7 pm." 尽きる・無くなる(意図せず)




時間がなくなりそうだよ! 時間に間に合わないよ!

大丈夫、電車も(予定より)遅れてそうだよ。間に合うでしょ。 "run out

use up

be running out of

be running late

We're running out of time! We can't make it in time!

It's okay, the train is also running late. We'll make it." 電車は雪のせいで遅れている。 The train is delayed because of snow.

The train has been delayed.
The train is being delayed.
The train is running late
due to snow (formal) 〜と知り合いになる・〜をよく知るようになる

私はパーティーで彼と知り合った。 get to know

I got to know him at the party. こんにちは! 私を覚えていますか?

やあ! あなたはケン、 ですよね?

はい、あなたは私を忘れていたと思いましたよ。 "Hi! do you remember me?

Hi! you're Ken, right?

Yeah, I thought you had forgotten me." 久しぶり!


たぶん5年ぶりくらいだろう。 "It's been a while!

When did we see the last time?

Maybe it's been about 5 years.

When was the last time we met?

It was about 5 years ago." 彼は私にテキストを送って言ってきたよ、遅れるだろうって。 He texted me saying he would be late. どれくらい遅くなるの? How late will you be?

How late are you going to be? また一緒に楽しみましょう。 "Let's have fun together again." アカウントですか?じゃ、最初に私のものを教えます。
Nです。ナンシーのNです。それは小文字です。 "Account? Okay, I'll give you mine first.
It's N. N as in Nancy. It's lowercase." ワオ、もうこんな時間だ。


もちろん!そうしよう。 "Wow, it's already this time!

Time flies. Well, so, can we keep in touch?

Sure! Let's do that." 私にテキスト送ってね、もし何か必要があれば。 Send me a text if you need anything. 私達はお互い会ってないね、5年前に横浜で会って以来。

そうだっけ? とにかく、会えるのをとても楽しみにしているよ。 "We haven't seen each other since we saw in Yokohama five years ago.

Is that so? Anyway, I'm so looking forward to seeing you."